

This document proves the history of ownership of a specific piece of Robin Appasamy Artwork. Provenance comprises far than its pedigree. This document outlines details about the creator, history, location, inspiration, and appraised value. These components are essential for Robin Appasamy Collectors.



  1. Robin Appasamy Originals, usually found indented with a wax seal, located in the bottom right corner of her work. The circular seal reads, “ROBIN APPASAMY” across the top, “ARTWORK” on the bottom all upper case, along with “RA” in the center. Originals created in varying mediums will showcase an impression of this seal on the bottom right corner of her work, and in some cases hand-signed solely on the back.

  2. Luxury Collections and Commissions include provenance documentation as of 2020.

  3. Collectors to a PDF file of Work Inspiration, should the artist have written one.


Any work created before 2016 will not have a wax seal. Work created in 2014 and on should be branded with Robin Appasamy gold foil logo-text stationary adhered to back of work, along with a signature. Archived work created between 2001-2014 will have a handwritten signature on the back of the work, either in the center or in the bottom right corner.